Back in Vero Beach for the Winter

Condo in Vero Beach, Florida. In Indiana it's a chilly 46F degrees. Fall leaves are turning yellow, red and orange. Winter will soon be in the air, and streets and sidewalks will soon be coated with snow and ice! But here in the South it's hard to imagine all that. I have made my long-planned escape from the Mid-West winter to Vero Beach, Florida. Here it's a pleasant 78F degrees with a nice breeze blowing through the open condo windows. The plan is to take Lil' Green Tug out of storage in Fort Pierce next week and put her on a maintenance rack to wax the hull. The black water holding tank needs some attention. I'm not sure how to clean it other than to fill it with fresh water and bleach. But what to do then? I can't discharge the tank while I'm on the rack, and I shouldn't do it while underway. I want to discharge the water and bleach through the overboard hose line since there is some residual sewage in there causing an odor. The odor isn'...