After a Week Living Aboard
My first night aboard, I twisted and turned, and couldn't sleep. I couldn't figure it out! I had lived aboard a sailboat for a year back on the Chesapeake Bay, and I was always comfortable, even with a fresh coat of snow on the deck and no heat. Around 3:00 in the morning, I got up and pulled my cargo shorts on and walked to the car. First stop--Walmart for a fluffy pillow and a foam mattress topper. Next stop--International House of Pancakes for some comfort food (I was really needing it!) Back to the boat at 5:00 in the morning (at that hour of the night there are absolutely no cars about in downtown Vero Beach!) and after a hot shower at the Marina facilities, I set about making my bedroom afloat comfortable. I cut the foam mattress to fit the v-berth and covered it with a sheet. Then I unzipped the sleeping bag and spread it out like a comforter. Lastly, I fluffed up the new pillow, kicked off my shoes and climbed back in bed. Ahh, the comfort. I slept soundly for four ...